Digital Technology (DT) Usage of Preschool Teachers in Early Childhood Classrooms

This cross-sectional survey study aims to investigate preschool teachers’ usage of digital technologies (DT) in early childhood education. To investigate teachers’ use of DT, a questionnaire was completed by 167 preschool teachers from 52 different preschools. Besides, the Attitude Scale for Technological Tools and Materials Use in Preschool Education was completed by the teachers. The results of the study revealed that the classrooms were equipped with a variety of DT such as television, DVD, computer, and smartphone. Teachers tended to use television and computers in the classroom activities. Although the teachers had a positive attitude towards using DT in early childhood education, they used ICT on a limited scale. They mainly utilized these devices in order for the children to watch cartoon films and listen to music. Gender, teaching experience, and attitudes of teachers towards using ICT did not significantly predict their DT usage in their classroom activities. The results imply that though teachers had enough DT sources and positive attitude towards using those devices in their classroom activities, their DT usage was limited to few types of activities. For improving the quality of DT use in the classrooms by teachers, barriers to teachers’ successful technology integration in their classrooms should be determined.
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