Ultrasonic diagnosis of focal damages in thoracoscopic operations

: 5-year experience of developed in PAMS A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery RAMS ultrasonic examination (USE) of the lung in thoracoscopic operations for focal lung lesions (FLL) is presented. Pilot experience of ultrasonic topical and differential diagnosis of FII opens a new page in diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Over 5 years 74 USE of FLL were performed. FLL were found in 91% cases. Detailed topical diagnosis of allows to design the lung resection with the best functional result. In postoperative X-ray examination neither atelectases nor zones of stable hypoventilation were detected. Normal echographic picture of lung tissue and echosemiotics of different focal lesions are descubed. The experience of diagnosis by echographic signs of FLL shows teasibility of differentiation of hamartomas from tuberculomas and focal metastatic lesions. The payential of differential diagnosis is illustrated. Differential diagnosis supported enucleation in superficial hamartomas and resection in suspected malignant tumor or tuberculosis. Use of intraoperative USE in the majority of cases of focal lesions located both in depth of lung tissue and subpleurally warrants the success of operation in thoracoscopic variant.
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