Numerical taxonomy of Trypanozoon based on polymorphisms in a reduced range of enzymes

SUMMARY Numerical analyse osf Trypanozoon taxonom ary e presented, based on the isoenzyme data of Stevens et al. (1992) Th. eprevious study use ad reduce d rang oef enzymes compared with earlie thr worke analyse ; s indicat thee value of thisrationalized system. Both recently isolated trypanosome stocks and previously studied populations were included, allowingdetailed comparison with earlier studies. Relationships between zymodemes were calculate an improvedd wit similarith ycoefficient program, using Jaccard's coefficient an (1908)d by Nei',s method (1972). Dendrograms were constructed fromthe matrices produced with the group-average method. The groupings produce by botd h numerical methods wer ine closeagreement, and the cluster s of related principal zymodemes largel thy matchee speciesd, subspecie ansd strain groupsproposed by previous workers. Trypanozoon biochemical taxonomy is reviewed and the groupings reinforced by this studyare: the mainly East African strain groups, busoga, Zambezi, kakumbi an,d kibok sindo; T.b.o gambiense and the bouaflestrain group from West Africa and T., evansi; an intermediate bouafle/busoga wa grous alsop recognized.Key words: Trypanozoon, numerical taxonomy, isoenzymes, similarity coefficient, Nei's method.
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