Cenários de instituições de longa permanência para idosos: retratos da realidade vivenciada por equipe multiprofissional

OBJECTIVE: To identify the challenges and prospects of work in long-term institutions for the elderly (ILPI) in the viewpoint of the multidisciplinary team. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, part of a research entitled "Scenarios of long-term care: evaluative, intervention and educational possibilities in geriatric attention". Research was conducted in the city of Passo Fundo-RS, Brazil, from March to August 2013, involving 14 ILPI's. RESULTS: The challenging situations at work allude to management aspect, systematic actions, maintenance, coexistence and mediation of professional and interpersonal conflicts, as well as to the institutionalization paradigm. The appreciation of professionals based on their insertion in health care settings makes gerontology an emerging specialty with greater encouragement of public power. CONCLUSIONS: The challenges are multiple and of different origins. It is expected that, in the near future, a more homogeneous multidisciplinary team attending current legislation becomes possible.
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