A preliminary result of the second np charge symmetry breaking experiment at TRIUMF

TRIUMF experiment 369, a measurement of charge symmetry breaking in np elastic scattering at 350 MeV, has completed data taking. Scattering asymmetries were measured with a polarized (unpolarized) neutron beam incident on an unpolarized (polarized) frozen spin target. Coincident scattered neutrons and recoil protons were detected by a mirror symmetric detection system in the center of mass angle range from 50°–90°. A preliminary result for the difference of the zero‐crossing angles, where analyzing powers cross zero, is Δθcm=0.48°±0.08°(stat.)±0.08°(syst.) based on fits over the angle range 55.8°≤θcm≤85.4°. The difference of the analyzing powers ΔA≡An−Ap, where the subscripts denote polarized nucleons, was deduced with dA/dθcm=−1.47×10−2 deg−1 from phase shift analyses to be [71±12(stat.)±12(syst.)]×10−4. It is expected that when all data are analyzed a statistical accuracy of about 7×10−4 in ΔA will be achieved.
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