Pengaruh Pelatihan Komunikasi Terapeutik terhadap Kepuasan Pasien : A Systematic Review

Background: Background:. Communication is an important element of quality care that can help build a nurse-patient relationship. Good nurse-patient communication has the potential to increase patient understanding of treatment plans and reduce behaviors that lead to poor outcomes (Happ et al., 2014 Not appreciating the importance of people-centered communication and improper communication training can result in unsatisfactory communication performance (Hsu, Chang, & Hsieh, 2015) Objective: Knowing the effect of therapeutic communication training on patient satisfaction Method The database used in this systematic review is scopus, science direct, process and pubmed, journals are limited to the 2013-2019 publication year in the area of Nursing medicine journals, as well as English journals. The keywords used are "training",”OR”,, AND, therapeutic communication "," AND ", patient satisfaction". This Systematic Review uses 9 articles that fit the inclusion criteria. Critical appraisal and data extraction were performed independently by two different authors, should there be a difference in results, the consensus was opted to solve the differences. Results From 9 selected articles found that training varies between 50%-80% there is an influence on patient satisfaction. Therapeutic communication training has a positive impact on hospital services. Conclusion: Therapeutic communication training improves skills, encourages, supports, strengthens therapeutic communication, communication training reduces poor nurse interaction behavior and can increase patient satisfaction Keywords: Training, therapeutic communication and patient's satisfaction
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