Exploring interactive gameplay for well-being enhancement – How an international cooperation involving a multi-disciplinary team are developing state-of-the-art 3D computer games for special-needs users
As part of a collaborative research and development project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) and Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) in Ireland, innovative 3D computer games were developed around the theme of well-being enhancement. The games have been adapted towards end users with a range of physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs in order to promote improvement in their well-being. A multi-disciplinary team of academic staff and students from both colleges employed state-of-the-art development tools, user-centric techniques and agile development to bring game concepts to functioning prototypes in just nine months. Initial evaluations of the games with a Finnish client have proved very positive. Longitudinal trials are planned to provide a more objective evaluation of the impact of the games and their potential benefits. Two of the games have achieved notable success in national and international student competitions and one team is currently pursuing the commercial development of a full game product.
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun (SAMK) ja irlantilaisen Dundalk Institute of Technology’n (DkIT) kahdenvalisessa hyvinvointia edistavan teknologian tutkimus- ja kehittamishankkeessa kehitettiin kolme innovatiivista 3D-tietokonepelia. Pelit kehitettiin erityisesti kayttajille, joilla on fyysisia, kognitiivisia, sosiaalisia tai emotionaalisia erityistarpeita. Seka opettajia etta opiskelijoita kummastakin partnerikorkeakoulusta osallistui monitieteiseen tiimiin, joka onnistui uusinta teknologiaa ja menetelmia hyodyntaen tuottamaan pelit konseptista toimiviksi prototyypeiksi vain yhdeksassa kuukaudessa. Suomalaiset kayttajakokemukset osoittautuivat erittain positiivisiksi, ja lisaa pitkittaistutkimusta on kaynnissa laajemman arviointiaineiston saamiseksi pelien kaytettavyydesta ja mahdollisista koetuista hyodyista hyvinvoinnin edistamisessa. Kaksi tuotetuista peleista on saavuttanut merkittavaa arvostusta seka kansallisissa etta kansainvalisissa hankekilpailuissa, ja yksi kolmesta hankkeeseen osallistuneesta opiskelijatiimista on jo kaupallistamassa pelituotettaan.
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