For3D: Full organ reconstruction in 3D, an automatized tool for deciphering the complexity of lymphoid organs.

To decipher the complex topology of lymphoid structures, we developed an automated process called Full Organ Reconstruction in 3D (For3D). A dedicated image-processing pipeline is applied to entire collections of immunolabeled serial sections, acquired with a slide-scanning microscope. This method is automated, flexible and readily applicable in two days to frozen or paraffin-embedded organs stained by fluorescence or brightfield immunohistochemistry. 3D-reconstructed organs can be visualized, rotated and analyzed to quantify substructures of interest. Usefulness of For3D is exemplified here through topological analysis of several mouse lymphoid organs exhibiting a complex organization: (i) the thymus, composed of two compartments, a medulla intricately imbricated into a surrounding cortex, (ii) lymph nodes, also highly compartmentalized into cortex, paracortex and medulla and (iii) the vascularization of an EG7 primary thymoma. This open-source algorithm, based on ImageJ and Matlab scripts, offers a user-friendly interface and is widely applicable to any organ or tissue, hence readily adaptable to a broad range of biomedical samples.
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