Формирование математической компетентности в основной школе

The article deals with the questions of development of mathematical competence at middle school which arise from the basic regulations of the Concept of mathematical education in Russia. Mathematical competence is formed in mathematical disciplines as well as in other subjects, such as informatics and physics, which accord with the General trends of development of interdisciplinary competences. In the paper the need for fixation and description of the level of mathematical competence indicating new elements at the end of each grade is proved. In the article the thesis is considered that mathematical competence is indicated by the ability to solve the problems, to prove the theorems, to test the hypotheses and to model the situations. These skills form mathematical competence. The application of mathematics is related to digital technologies. In the article the thesis is proved that mathematical education is not limited to this applied meaning. Solving problems without using computer should be the main activity at the lessons of mathematics, but it does not exclude the use of ICT either in mathematics or in other subjects. That should be used when forming the elements of mathematical competence in the courses of mathematics and informatics
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