Las trayectorias universitarias de estudiantes de Sociología de la FaHCE. Un análisis desde los registros administrativos

The present work approaches the study of the university trajectories of the students of the sociology career from the administrative records where the data of the academic history of the students is stored. We understand student trajectories in terms of the particular and diverse routes through which students pass on their university experience. The concept allows focusing the complex network of aspects or spheres of daily life of the subjects that participate in the delimitation of a possible route or itinerary, thus enabling the analysis of complex processes, recovering the dynamics of the subjects' social life and considering the external social temporalities that frame them (Toscano et al., 2015). In this work, we will focus on the initial stretch of the students' trajectory, since we consider that it is the stage or moment where the students build the academic link with the institution in a broad sense. The faculties of the UNLP have two information registers available that contain information about the students of the academic units: the UNLP Career Pre-enrollment System (SIPU) and the Guarani University Information System (SIU-GUARANI). Both registers represent different temporalities. Specifically in this work the trajectories of the 2014-2017 income cohorts are characterized, in sociodemographic terms, of origin, the educational climate of the homes of belonging, the previous educational trajectories and the academic activity developed in the first sections of the careers. Delving into the trajectories will allow us to identify habitual routes, the obstacles faced by the students and think about the possible institutional and pedagogical interventions in this regard. The work has descriptive characteristics with the intention of raising questions about the incidence of these first links in decisions and academic results, as a framework that guides other types of inquiries that deepen the understanding of these trajectories.
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