Uterin Kavitenin Değerlendirilmesinde Histeroskopinin Gözlemciler Arası Tutarlılığı

Aim: To evaluate the inter-observer agreement of hysteroscopy procedures in the assessment of uterine cavity of patients with benign uterine disease. Material and Methods: Patients that underwent hysteroscopy procedures for benign uterine disease at our gynecology department were included into this prospective study. Three expert gynecologists evaluated the digitalized images of each patient. Kappa statistics were performed to assess the inter-observer agreement. The equivalent of the overall weighted Kappa (κ) values and the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were applied to calculate the mean κ values. Results: Fifty-seven patients who underwent a hysteroscopy proceduredue to benign uterine pathology were enrolled. Reproducibility of the hysteroscopy procedure showed poor to moderate agreement for detection of normal uterine cavity, endometrial polyp, submucous myoma, uterus subseptus with ICCs values of 0.59, 0.60, 0.41, 0.32, respectively. The reproducibility of hysteroscopy was moderate for uterine cavity abnormalities. There was good agreement for the diagnosis of endometrial polyps, whereas this was poor for the diagnosis of uterus subseptus. Conclusion: Inter-observer agreement of hysteroscopy for the diagnosis of benign uterine conditions was generally moderate in our setting.
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