Interaction behaviour of trimesoyl chloride derived 1st tier dendrimers determined with structural and physicochemical properties required for drug designing

Abstract Trimesoyl 1, 3, 5-tridimethyl malonate (TTDMM) and trimesoyl 1, 3, 5-tridiethyl malonate (TTDEM) dendrimers synthesised from trimesoyl chloride (TMC) with dialkyl malonate ester (DME) in 1:3 mass ratio in alcoholic medium are reported. TTDMM and TTDEM as white solids with ≈ 95% yield have shown 144.22 °C and 131.78 °C MP respectively. FTIR and 500 MHz 1 H NMR have determined structures and thermal stability was studied with DSC. Their densities (ρ ± 10 3  kg m − 3 ), viscosities (η ± 10 − 4  mPa·s), surface tension (γ ± 0.01 mN m − 1 ) and activation energies ( Δ μ 2 *  ± 10 − 2  kJ/mol) for 2.0 to 8.0 mM/L were determined with DMSO at 298.15 K. Activation energies were calculated from viscosities. Data were regressed for limiting densities, viscosities, surface tension and activation energies for dendrimer–DMSO interaction activities. Negative limiting activation energy values ( Δ μ 2 *  TTDEM inferred comparatively higher energy utilization with ethyl group. Higher limiting density and viscosity for TTDEM have depicted stronger TTDEM–DMSO interaction due to higher entanglement with stronger structural activities as compared to TTDMM. This paper focuses on the role of CH 2 of dialkyl malonate ester on their structural and physicochemical properties for using these dendrimers as drug vehicles.
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