[MR cisternography using "long echo train length fast spin echo sequence" for demonstrating the inner ear].

: Excellent quality of MR cisternography was acquired using "long echo train length fast spin echo sequence" (TR/TE = 2666/200, ETL = 24, 6 or 8 NEX, 3 mm thickness, 0 mm interslice gap, 19 cm FOV, 512 * 384, 2 DFT method). The inner ear anatomy such as canaliculus cochleae or lamina spiralis ossea were well visualized. The VII, VIII th nerve bundles within the internal auditory canal were detectable as 1 to 4 bundles. The vessels in the cerebellopontine angle or the internal auditory canal were also demarcated from the VII, VIII th nerve bundles because of their flow void. Signal to noise ratio seemed to be better than 3 DFT method, however limited spatial resolution in the cranio-caudal direction might require additional sagittal or coronal scan.
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