Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop "Fostering Social Interactions in the Ageing Society", COOP Conference 2012

Demographic change has stimulated ICT development and research in different fields, such as CSCW, HCI, or the AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) domain. Enabling 'aging at home' has become a main target in many nations due to economic challenges and demographic changes. 'Aging at home' is situated in a tension between keeping ones' autonomy and social inclusion. This strong socio-cultural embedding of relationships in higher ages contoured by individual and societal norms and values require socio-technical and user-oriented research approaches common in e.g. the CSCW community. However, due to the extremely heterogeneous target group in terms of technology affinity and acceptance as well as individual needs and conducts of life, it is time to reconsider common research methodologies, technological solutions and research paradigms. The workshop aimed at exploring technology design research, focusing on the particular
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