Refinamento da técnica de Mustardé para o tratamento das orelhas proeminentes

Introduction: Traditionally, multiple abnormalities can cause prominent ears, and specific techniques have been developed for the treatment of each abnormality. In this study, we tested a single approach aimed at achieving satisfactory outcomes. Method: Patients submitted to bilateral otoplasty, between June 2010 and December 2012, were retrospectively evaluated and divided into two groups: group 1 patients submitted to the conventional Mustarde technique and group 2 those who underwent the modified Mustarde technique. For comparison, we collected data relating to early and late complications, requirement for a new surgery, and degree of patient satisfaction. Statistical analysis was performed with Fishers exact test. Results: Group 1 included nine patients treated with the conventional Mustarde technique. A case of suture extrusion (11.11%) was observed. Seven patients reported to be very satisfied, one satisfied, and one dissatisfied because of insufficient correction and a subsequent need for a second surgery. Group 2 included 19 patients submitted to the modified Mustarde technique, which involved three sutures in the middle third of the ear and the posterior rotation of the vertex of the antihelix. One case of bilateral infection (5.26%) was observed. Seventeen patients reported to be very satisfied, one satisfied, and another dissatisfied because of insufficient correction, thus needing to undergo a second surgery. No statistical difference was observed between the two groups. Conclusion: The identification of the basic abnormality associated with prominent ears allows performing a single approach that is easy to learn and implement, in addition to providing good outcome (i.e., natural appearance) and a high degree of patient satisfaction. Introducao: Tradicionalmente, multiplas anomalias podem causar as orelhas proeminentes e foram desenvolvidas tecnicas especificas para o tratamento de cada deformidade. Neste trabalho, testou-se uma abordagem unica para alcancar resultados favoraveis. Metodo: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, os pacientes submetidos a otoplastia bilateral entre junho de 2010 e Dezembro de 2012, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - tecnica convencional de Mustarde e Grupo 2 - Refinamento da tecnica de Mustarde. Para comparacao foram coletados os dados referentes as complicacoes precoces, tardias, a necessidade de reoperacao e ao grau de satisfacao do paciente. A analise estatistica foi realizada atraves do teste exato de Fisher. Resultados: No Grupo 1 foram incluidos 9 pacientes tratados com a tecnica tradicional de Mustarde. Houve um caso de extrusao de pontos (11,11%). Sete pacientes ficaram muito satisfeitos, um satisfeito e um insatisfeito por correcao insuficiente, sendo reoperado. No Grupo 2 foram incluidos 19 pacientes submetidos a uma variacao da tecnica de Mustarde com 3 suturas no terco medio da orelha, rotacionando posteriormente o vertice da antelice. Houve um caso de infeccao bilateral (5,26%). Dezessete pacientes ficaram muito satisfeitos, um satisfeito e outro insatisfeito por correcao insuficiente, sendo reoperado. Nao houve diferenca estatistica entre os grupos. Conclusao: A identificacao da alteracao basica relacionada com orelhas proeminentes permite uma abordagem unica, de facil aprendizado e execucao, com resultados de aparencia natural e elevado grau de satisfacao do paciente.
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