Improving the Staffing of the Agro-industrial Complex of the Belgorod Region on the Basis of Partnership between Education and Business

In this article, the authors investigate an urgent problem for the Belgorod region related to the provision of the agro-industrial complex of the region with highly qualified and innovation-oriented personnel. The results of the sociological research carried out by the authors convincingly indicate the existence of a significant gap between the requirements of modern employers to workers and the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities that university graduates currently possess. The overly theoretical nature of the education received and its isolation from the realities of production activity are noted. To eliminate the gap that has arisen, according to the authors, it is possible only if the mechanisms of social partnership between education and business are actively developed. On the example of the Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin, the authors of the article investigate a successful example of organizing such a partnership.
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