Análisis epidemiológico de las patologías en mujeres de edad reproductiva que acudieron a un Hospital General tipo IV

Resumen Objetivo : Analizar la patologia medica de las mujeres en edad fertil que fueron atendidas en el Hospital General del Oeste de Caracas, Venezuela. Metodos : se realizo un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de pacientes con edades entre 14 y 44 anos evaluadas desde 1o Octubre 2015 al 1o Mayo 2016. Tratamiento estadistico : Se realizo estadistica descriptiva con medidas de tendencia central en las variables continuas y de proporcion en las cualitativas. Resultados : Se evaluaron 910 pacientes con edad promedio de 25,63 ± 6,69 DS. El grupo entre 14 y 19 anos fue el 33,40% y el 17,5% eran adolescentes. El promedio de edad de las embarazadas fue de 23,31 ± 6,08 DS, mientras que en las no gestantes 30,57 ± 7,97 DS. Segun el Graffar modificado por Mendez Castellanos predomino la clasificacion III en 57,06%. El promedio de la menarquia fue 12,7 ± 1,75 DS y de la sexarquia 16,54 ± 4,04 DS. La edad promedio del primer parto fue 18 ± 1,33 DS. El 73,62% no cumplia control ginecologico anual. Eran gestantes 78% y de ellas, el 80% eran sanas. Las patologias medicas del embarazo fueron preeclampsia 39%, anemia 35,93%, diabetes gestacional 12%, sindrome de HELLP 11%, hiperemesis gravidica 1,56%. Los diagnosticos medicos no relacionados con el embarazo fueron: asma 41,77%, HTA cronica 16,45%, ITU 12,65%, obesidad 7,59%, anemia 5,09%. La violencia domestica se documento en 3,4% y 20% ocurrio durante la gesta cion. En las no gestantes el diagnostico medico predomino en 48% y los mas frecuentes fueron: anemia 34,84%, ITU 27,77%, HTA cronica 7,57%. Conclusion : La atencion medica de la mujer en edad reproductiva debe ser adecuadamente abordada.  Abstract Objective : To analyze the medical conditions in women of childbearing age who consulted at the Hospital General del Oeste, Caracas, Venezuela. Methods : This is an analitycal, transverse case design, of female patients in a non probabilistic sample, of intentional selection, that included 100% of patients aged 14 - 44 years, who consulted between October 1st 2015 and May 1st 2016- We included hospitalized and outpatients of internal medicine, as well as obstetrics and gynecology. A previous informed consent was obtained. The sample was divided in two groups, pregnant and not pregnant, classified as healthy and with any medical or gynecological pathology. The variables studied were: age, menarche, sexarche, parity, demographics, and final diagnoses, as well as associated complications. Results : We studied 910 patients, with an average age of 25,63 ± 6,69 DS. The group of 14 to 19 years was 33,40% and 17,5% of them were adolescents. The average age of the pregnant women was 23,31 ± 6,08 DS, and in the non-pregnant 30,57 ± 7,97 DS.  The Graffar score modified by Mendez Castellanos showed a class III in 57,06%. The average age of menarche was 12,7 ± 1,75 DS and of the first sexual intercourse 16,54 ± 4,04 DS. The average age of the first delivery 18 ± 1,33 DS. An important 73,62% did not have an annual gynecological consultation. The pregnant women were 78%. Among them, 80% were healthy. Their pathological conditions of pregnancy were: preeclampsia 39%, anemia 35,93%, gestational diabetes 12%, HELLP syndrome 11%, hyperemesis gravidarum 1,56%. The medical conditions not related to pregnancy were: asthma 41,77%, chronic hypertension 16,45%, UTI 12,65%, obesity 7,59%, anemia 5,09%. Domestic violence was docu- mented in 3,4%, and 20% ocurred during pregnancy. In non pregnant women there was 48% of medical conditions, being the most frequent anemia 34,84%, UTI 27,77%, chronic hypertension 7,57%, Conclusion : Women in childbearing age must be adequately approached and treated.
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