Carcass performance of fresh meat pieces: sirloin, "presa" and "secreto" in Iberian pig finished at montanera

Cured products (hams, shoulders and loins) from Iberian pig finished at montanera (free-range with diet based on grass and Quercus acorns) rise a high value in the market. Nevertheless other pieces are becoming very valuated by consumer of fresh meat. 191 Iberian pigs (Silvela variety) with an average weigh of 163.87± 11.47 kg at slaughter (average carcass weigh = 133,95± 9,83 kg) have been studied to obtain information about three fresh meat pieces: sirloin (m. Iliopsoas, and m. Psoas minor muscles), "secreto" (m. Latissimus dorsi and m. Trapezius pars cervicalis muscles) and "presa" (m. Serratus ventralis thoracis and M. Serratus ventralis cervicis muscles). The weighs and percentage of carcass of these pieces are: sirloins (0.61±0.01 kg and 0.46%± 0.004), "presa" (1.14 ±0.01 kg and 0.85%±0.009) and "secreto" (0.44±0.01 kg and 0.33%±0.003)
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