COVID-19 Hastalarında Lopinavir/Ritonavir ve Favipravir Deneyimi

Giris: COVID-19 su anda kuresel saglik icin buyuk bir tehdittir. Bununla birlikte, tedavisi icin spesifik bir antiviral ajan mevcut degildir. Bu calismada; Favipravir (FPV) ve Lopinavir/Ritonavir (LPV / RTV) ile tedavi edilen hastalardatedavinin klinik etkinliginin ve ilac yan etkilerinin degerlendirmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya …. Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari servisinde 15.03.2020-30.04.2020 tarihleri arasinda COVID-19 tanisi ile yatirilarak takip edilen FPV ve LPV / RTV tedavisi alan 46 hasta dahil edildi. Tum hastalarin COVID-19 tanisi real time polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (RT-PCR) ile konfirme edildi. Bulgular: COVID-19 tanisi alan 46 olgu calismaya alinmistir. Hastalarin 29’u (%63) erkek, 17’si (%37) kadindi. Toplam 46 hasta 2 grupta degerlendirildi. Birinci grupta FPV kullanan 34 hasta, ikinci grupta LPV/RTV kullanan 12 hasta mevcuttu. Yas ortalamasi 57,80±17,78 (yas araligi 18-91). Birinci grubun yas ortalamasi 57,71±17,33, ikinci grubun yas 58,08±18,81 idi. Hastalarin tumunde ates en sik basvuru semptomu idi ( %69,6). FPV kolunda sirasiyla ates (%68,8), halsizlik (%77,8), oksuruk %69,2 en sik basvuru semptomlari idi. LPV/RTVkolunda sirasiyla ates (%31,2), oksuruk (%30,8), bogaz agrisi (%28,6)en sik basvuru semptomlari idi. FPV kolunda atesi olan hastalarin tedavi ile ortalama normale donus suresi 3,56±1 gun iken LPV/RTV kolunda atesin normale donme suresi 4,42±1 gun idi. FPV kolunda daha hizli olan atesin normale donme suresi istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulundu (0,03). Karaciger enzim yuksekligi FPV kolunda belirgin yuksekti(%20,6). Bulanti-kusma ise LPV/RTV kolunda yuksek (sirasiyla 41,7%, 25%) goruldu. Bu yukseklik istatistiksel olarak anlamli idi (sirasiyla 0,009, 0,04). Ilac kesilmesini gerektiren ciddi bir yan etki gelismedi. Sonuc: SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu tum dunyada hizla yayilmaktadir; su ana kadar bu virus icin henuz bilinen, etkinligi guvenilir calisma sonuclari ile gosterilmis bir tedavisi bulunmamaktadir belirli ilaclar henuz simdilik birlestirilmemistir. Hedefimiz, eldeki verilerle etkili tedavileri tanimlamak icin sonuclari paylasmakti. Sonuclarimiz SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonunun tedavisi icin on veri saglamistir. Ayrica, antiviral tedavi denemeleri icin son nokta olarak kullanilabilen ve COVID-19 ile ilgili tedavileri arastiran protokollerin tasarlanmasi icin faydali bir sonuc olabilecek viral klerens zamanini ve yan etki spektrumunu gostermeye calistik . Lopinavir / Ritonavir and Favipravir Experience in COVID-19 Patients Abstract Introduction: COVID-19 is currently a major threat to global health. However, no specific antiviral agent is available for its treatment. In this study; In this study, we performed a comprehensive evaluation of the clinical efficacy of treatment for COVID-19 patients at The Third People’s Hospital of Konya. We aimed to compare the clinical outcomes between patients who treated with FPV and patients treated with LPV/RTV. These findings will provide useful information for treatment of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in …. Infectious Diseases service between 15.03.2020-30.04.2020 and included 46 patients underwent FPV and LPV / RTV treatment who were hospitalized with the diagnosis of COVID-19. The diagnosis of COVID-19 of all patients was confirmed by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: 46 cases with the diagnosis of COVID-19 were included in the study. 29 (63%) of the patients were male and 17 (37%) were female. A total of 46 patients were evaluated in 2 groups. There were 34 patients using FPV in the first group and 12 patients using LPV / RTV in the second group. The average age is 57.80 ± 17.78 (age range 18-91). The average age of the first group was 57.71 ± 17.33, and the age of the second group was 58.08 ± 18.81. Fever was the most common symptom (69.6%) in all patients. In the FPV arm, fever (68.8%), weakness (77.8%), cough, respectively, 69.2% were the most common symptoms. In LPV / RTV arm, fever (31.2%), cough (30.8%), sore throat (28.6%) were the most common admission symptoms, respectively. The average recovery time of patients with fever in the FPV arm was 3.56 ± 1 day with treatment, while the fever in the LPV / RTV arm was 4.42 ± 1 day. Fever in the FPV arm, the time to return to normal fever was statistically significant (0.03). Liver enzyme height was significantly higher in the FPV arm (20.6%). Nausea-vomiting was higher in the LPV / RTV arm (41.7%, 25%, respectively). This height was statistically significant (0.009, 0.04, respectively). No serious side effects requiring drug discontinuation. Conculusion: SARS-CoV-2 infection has been spreading quickly all over the -world; while specific drugs have not yet been consolidated for the time being. The task at hand was to run a well-designed trial to identify effective treatments based on a high level of evidence. Our results provided preliminary evidence for treatment of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Furthermore, we introduced the time of viral clearance, which can be used as a primary endpoint for trials on antiviral treatment, and might be a useful surrogate outcome for designing protocols investigating COVID-19 related treatments as well.
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