Primeiro registro do Ácaro Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 em Canal Auditivo de Tamanduá-Bandeira Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 de vida livre

Zoological parks are an excellent source of biological material for research, as they often receive free-living wild animals. The present report discusses the occurrence of mites in the ear canal in a free-living anteater in the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba, forwarded to the Sorocaba Zoo. During the clinical examination of the animal ectoparasites were located and collected. The mites were collected from the ear canal and were deposited in plastic pots with 70% alcohol, then sent to the National Reference Laboratory for Rickettsial Diseases Vectors (LIRN) of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). Using taxonomic specific keys and with the aid of a microscope, the species Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 was morphologically identified. This species was reported in another species from the Order Pilosa, but it is the first record of Psoralges libertus parasitizing a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758.
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