Alice G. Brandfonbrener, MD-A personal remembrance.

: Alice Brandfonbrener died peacefully at home on May 31, 2014, after a protracted illness. For all of us involved in performing arts medicine, she was the inspiration and guiding spirit. She will be missed. [Alice Brandfonbrener was one of the founding members of the field of performing arts medicine, perhaps the most critical founding member. In 1983, she organized the first "Conference on the Medical Problems of Musicians" in Aspen, Colorado, and co-directed these for the next 20 years. These symposia led to the formation of the Performing Arts Medicine Association, of which Dr. Brandfonbrener was the first president, and in 1986, establishment of the first journal in the field--this journal, Medical Problems of Performing Artists--for which she served as Editor for 20 years. At her performing arts clinic in Chicago, she saw and treated thousands of musicians, from young students to world-renowned professionals, and mentored many students and professionals who would extend research and practice in performing arts medicine.].
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