6th International conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2014 Interacting with socio-emotional agents

In this paper I present ou r current wo rk toward end owin g vi rt ual agen ts wi th so ci o-emo tional capabilities. T hroug h its behaviors, the agen t can sustain a conversation, display em ot ional states as well as sh ow v ari ou s attitudes and levels of eng agemen t. I will describe methods, based on corpus an alysis, cr owd- sour cing or mo ti on capture, we are using to en rich its repertoire of mu lt im odal behavi ors. Th ese behavio rs can be displayed with differe nt qualities and intensities to simulate various c omm unicative intentions and emo tional states. We have been developing a platfo rm of h umanoid agen t able to int eract with huma ns. I will describe an interactive system of so cio-emo tional agen t dialoging with hu m an users. © 2014 The Authors. Published b y Else v ier B.V. Peer -review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of I HCI 2014.
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