Latar Belakang: Praktik pemberian makan merupakan salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kejadian stunting. Pengetahuan ibu yang tidak memadai menjadi hambatan utama praktik pemberian makan bayi dan anak (PMBA) yang tidak tepat. Media edukasi PMBA menjadi sarana untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai praktik PMBA ibu balita usia 6-23 bulan. Namun, belum ada media edukasi PMBA di wilayah rawan bencana letusan Gunung Merapi untuk ibu balita.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media edukasi PMBA yang tepat di wilayah rawan bencana letusan Gunung Merapi untuk ibu balita usia 6-23 bulan.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan participatory action research (PAR). Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah rawan bencana erupsi Merapi, Kecamatan Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman. Subjek penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi ibu balita yang memiliki anak usia 6-23 bulan saat penelitian berlangsung dan mengalami stunting, partisipan lokakarya yang terdiri dari petugas pelaksana gizi, konselor PMBA, kader kesehatan dan petugas dapur umum taruna siaga bencana. Metode pengumpulan data dengan focus group discussion (FGD) dan lokakarya. Peneliti menggali informasi mengenai praktik PMBA dan media edukasi PMBA yang sering digunakan oleh ibu balita melalui FGD guna merancang media edukasi PMBA. Peneliti juga mengembangkan disain kalender dengan mendiskusikan dengan peserta lokakarya memanfaatkan whats app group sehingga tercipta disain kalender PMBA tahun 2019.
Hasil: Pengembangan media edukasi PMBA dilakukan dalam beberapa langkah, dimulai dari kegiatan observasi dan pengumpulan data, kemudian kegiatan FGD, dilanjutkan kegiatan lokakarya tahap 1, uji coba media pertama, lokakarya tahap 2, uji coba media ke-2 dan implementasi, sehingga tercipta kalender dinding PMBA tahun 2019 yang berjudul Ayo cegah stunting dengan pemberian makan yang tepat pada anak usia 6-24 bulan di wilayah rawan bencana . Kalender PMBA ini telah dilakukan 3 kali uji coba terhadap 58 responden yang terdiri dari ibu balita usia 6-
23 bulan, konselor PMBA, ahli gizi, kader kesehatan dan petugas dapur umum tagana.
Kesimpulan: Kalender tahun 2019 telah diciptakan sebagai media edukasi untuk ibu balita usia 6-23 bulan di wilayah rawan bencana erupsi Merapi dengan menyesuaikan keinginan sasaran, yaitu visualisasi menarik dan media mudah diakses.
Introduction: Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices become one of the stunting determinants. Inappropriate mothers knowledge of IYCF become a primary barrier to feeding practice. IYCF education becomes a tool to improve IYCF practices by the mothers/caregivers. However there are limited studies about media education of IYCF aged six to twenty three months in a disaster prone areas of Merapi eruption for mothers.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the development of media on infant and young child feeding aged six to twenty three months to tackle stunting issues in the disaster prone areas of Merapi eruption
Method: The qualitative methods with participatory action research principles were used in this study. This studies held in Pakem, the disaster prone areas of Merapi eruption, Sleman District. The research participants were chosen by purposive sampling with inclusion criteria for research participants was a mother of children aged six to twenty three months and indicate of stunting, the workshop participants consisted of nutrition officers, IYCF counselors, health cadres and general kitchen staff of disaster cadets (taruna siaga bencana/Tagana). Focus group discussions (FGD) and workshops were used for collecting data. We explore information about IYCF practices and IYCF media education that are often used by mothers of children aged six to twenty three months through FGDs to design IYCF media education. The researcher also developed the calendar design by discussing it with workshop participants using whats app group until IYCF calendar 2019 design ready to publish.
Results: IYCF media development have been done in several steps started from observation then FGD, followed by workshop of IYCF expert and media trial, at the first phase, workshop at the second phase was implementation until the calendar design are ready to publish titled Lets prevent stunting with appropriate child feeding in disaster area for children aged six to twenty four months . The IYCF calendar design has undergone three revision to 58 participants that consist of mother of children aged six to twenty three months, IYCF counselors, nutritionist, health cadres and general kitchen staff of disaster cadets (taruna siaga bencana/Tagana).
Conclusion: The 2019 calendar entitled Lets prevent stunting with proper feeding aged six to twenty four months in disaster prone areas , was created for an educational media for mother of children aged six to twenty three months in disaster areas of Merapi eruption. The IYCF calendar were made to fulfils the desire of target population such as easy to access and attractive visualization.
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