Chicago Urban Resiliency Building (CURB): An Internet-Based Depression-Prevention Intervention for Urban African-American and Latino Adolescents

Early preventive interventions for depressive disorders in racial/ethnic minorities may help to reduce lifetime depression outcome disparities by improving developmental trajectories and social outcomes. We describe the development process, intervention and evaluation plan for a culturally adapted, low-cost, primary care/Internet-based depression-prevention intervention (CURB, Chicago Urban Resiliency Building). CURB is culturally adapted for socio-economically disadvantaged African-American and Latino adolescents according to the PEN-3 model of health promotion programs (Airhihenbuwa in Health and culture: beyond the Western paradigm, Sage Publishers, Thousand Oaks, 1995). Based on the idea that health behavior is rooted in culture, the PEN-3 model contains three interdependent dimensions that influence health beliefs and behaviors. Within each dimension are factors (using the acronym PEN) that must be considered about the target culture. Application of the PEN-3 model occurred in 3 phases. In each phase, a dimension of the model was explored and subsequent changes were made to the intervention so as to be more culturally suitable. In the CURB clinical trial, adolescents ages 13–17 will be recruited from wait-lists for mental health services at community health care provider organizations and screened for risk of future depressive disorder in the primary care sites. Adolescents screening positive for persistent depressed mood will be randomly assigned to either the CURB intervention group or the wait-list control group. The study aims are to determine if participants in the CURB intervention group will have lower levels of depressive symptoms and/or a lower cumulative incidence of depressive episodes.
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