Personalization And The Web From A Museum Perspective

Web sites are increasingly adapted tow ards their users by a variety of dynamic techniques, providing improved personalization for the individual. In this paper w e discuss various possible approaches from a museological as w ell as a technical point of view . A number of Web sites, some produced by museums and some in other fields such as ecommerce or Internet based information services, w ill be considered as case studies. All use personalization techniques in w ays that could be beneficial also for the cultural sector. Other possible applications such as audio guides or interactive devices w ill also be considered, especially w ith respect to how this technique could help in the personalization of museum Web sites. Currently most museums lag w ell behind the state of the art w ith respect to on-line personalization. Perhaps this paper w ill inspire some museums to add personalization facilities to their Web sites the next time they undertake major updates. Keyw ords: Personalization, customization, adaptivity, adaptability, museums, Web sites. I want freedom for the full expression on my personality.
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