
From the perspective of mimetic desire, the French critic and humanist Rene Girard discussed the implicit rivalry that exists in interpersonal relationships. Girard considered such rivalry to be generated rather by the similarity and reproduction of human desire than from the differences of two individuals. The effect of mimetic desire results in appropriation and the disappearance of differences, and the disorder of the desire operation, in the subject-object form, loosens the line between ”to be” a subject and ”to possess” an object; thus, inter-subjectivity becomes endangered and the conflicts between twin rivals become engendered. Based on Girard's interpretation of human relationships, this paper discusses and reinterprets this paradox under the rite of gift exchange, as well as examines the mechanism of mimetic rivalry behind mutual exchanges. Firstly, this paper explores Girard's theory of triangular desire and the role of the follower in mimetic behavior, as well as the rivalry complex. Secondly, this paper analyzes the formation of double mediation in the desire mechanism. In the context of double mediation, the differences between the object and the subject vanish, and they become the same form, imitating each other. Through this transformation they both become false subjects, causing the violence between them to increase irreversibly. The above mentioned constitutes Girard's interpretation of the culture of the present. From Girard's point of view, the paradox in the rite of gift exchange is about the coexistence of differences and the similarities. The need for differences comes from the fear of the disappearance of difference; similarity originates from the need for mimetic action between individuals. This implicit paradox exists in the rite of gift exchange, which could be considered as a way to pull human relationships closer, as well as a solution to maintain reciprocity. Overall, the refined rule behind the rite of gift exchange meets the need for reciprocity and justice, as well as the need for differentiation in human society. Through Girard's analysis of the rite of gift exchange, we can comprehend the mechanism of the ceremony and its revolution from the origin of culture, as well as its economy and contradictions in modern society.
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