The Impact of Game-Specific Factors on Brand Recall and Brand Attitude

Purpose: This experimental study provides empirical evidence of the effect of brand prominence in advergames on gamers’ brand recall and brand attitude under varied game-involvement conditions from attention and elaboration perspectives. Design/methodology/approach: A 2 (brand prominence: prominent or subtle) x 2 (gameinvolvement: high or low) between-subject measures design is used. 229 student gamers participated in the study. A between-subject measures MANOVA is used to test the hypotheses. Findings: The results reveal that for an advergame with prominent brand placement, low gameinvolvement results in greater brand recall than high game-involvement. However, for an advergame with prominent brand placement, high game-involvement results in more favorable brand attitude than low game-involvement. Discussion: These experimental findings suggest to marketers and game designers to cogitate for a right mix of game-specific factors while creating effective advergames to have stoutest positive advergaming effect on players’ brand recall and brand attitude.
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