Mixing problems in using indicators for measuring regional blood flow.

A basic requirement for using indicators for measuring blood flow is adequate mixing of the indicator with blood prior to sampling the site. This requirement has been met by depositing the indicator in the heart and sampling from an artery. Recently, authors have injected microspheres into veins and sampled from venous sites. The present studies were designed to investigate the mixing problems in sheep and rabbits by means of Cardio-Green and labeled microspheres. The indicators were injected at different points in the circulatory system, and blood was sampled at different levels of the venous and arterial systems. Results show the following. (a) When an indicator of small molecular size (Cardio-Green) is allowed to pass through the heart chambers, adequate mixing is achieved, yielding accurate and reproducible results. (b) When any indicator (Cardio-Green or microspheres) is injected into veins, and sampling is done at any point in the venous system, mixing is inadequate, yielding flow results which are inconsistent and erratic. (c) For an indicator of large molecular size (microspheres), injecting into the left side of the heart and sampling from arterial sites yield accurate and reproducible results regardless of whether blood is sampled continuously or intermittently.
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