Uso das rúbricas de avaliación, a avaliación entre pares e a autoavaliación para mellorar as competencias do alumno

galegoNa materia Sistemas de Abastecemento e Saneamento do Mestrado Internacional de Enxenaria da Auga traballanse as competencias transversais comunicativas, de consulta e seleccion de informacion e de avaliacion critica. Os alumnos realizan tarefas que consisten na revision de referencias, a seleccion e organizacion de informacion e a presentacion oral ou nun poster dun tema incluido nos contidos materia. Durante a presentacion oral na clase, os alumnos disponeran dunha rubrica na que deberan avaliar as presentacions dos seus companeiros (avaliacion entre pares) e despois a sua. Por ultimo, a profesora avalia tamen a presentacion. A nota final calculase a partir dos tres tipos de avaliacions e penalizarase aos estudantes que non realicen as avaliacions con rigor. Nestas actividades e fundamental que os criterios de avaliacion sexan adecuados e que os alumnos os conezan dende o inicio da actividade para dirixir o seu traballo. A avaliacion entre pares fomenta que o alumno faga un esforzo para transmitir o mensaxe aos seus companeiros. Por outra banda, obrigase indirectamente a prestar atencion ao traballo dos companeiros e, por tanto, aprendese dos contidos da materia. Na autoavaliacion o alumno xulga os seu aprendizaxe e as suas fortalezas e debilidades na comunicacion. EnglishThe transversal competences of communication, review and selection of references and critical assessment are practiced in the subject Systems of Supply and Sanitation of the International Master's in Water Engineering. Students carry out tasks that consist on the review of references, the selection and management of information and the oral or poster presentation about some of the subject contents. During the oral presentations, the students account for a rubric in which they have to evaluate the work of their peers (peer review) and their own work. Finally, the teacher also evaluates the presentation. The final mark is calculated from the three types of assessment and students who do not perform a rigorous assessment will be penalized. Appropriated assessment criteria that the students know from the beginning of the activity are required. Peer evaluation encourages students to make an effort to convey the message to their peers. On the other hand, they are indirectly obliged to pay attention to the presentations of their colleagues and, therefore, learn about contents of the subject. In the selfassessment the student judges their learning and their strengths and weaknesses in communication.
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