Зі змивів з активованого вугілля виділено та охарактеризовано три найпоширеніші спорові бактеріальні культури, що можуть відігравати вирішальну роль в утворенні біоплівки у вугільному фільтрі під час доочищення води, яку використовують у виробництві пива. When using the sorption coal filters for treatment and advanced water treatment, a biofilm – aggregate of contamination particles, microbial cells and the products of their metabolism – is formed on the coal surface. The named particles are attached to each other and enclosed in a matrix of their extracellular polymeric synthesized compounds. Such community of microorganism has the changed phenotype which is occurred in other parameters of growth, a reproduction speed and an expression of specific genes. A uniform genetic system is established in a biofilm in the form of plasmids which define social behavior of microorganisms. The coordinated activity of microbes’ community makes biofilms to be low-vulnerable to disinfectants and factors of macro-organism protection, and the removal of the film from any surface becomes a challenging task. Therefore over time, there is a need in filters flushing for the biofilms removal in order to restore the filter effectiveness and to prevent secondary contamination of purifying water as it can be dangerous to human health. The study of morphologic-cultural and physiological-biochemical properties of bacteria forming a film is necessary for the development of rational methods of filters cleaning and the improvement of the quality of treated water. The paper studies biological features of biofilms at active carbon filters used in industrial process water treatment systems of an enterprise producing special drinks. The three most common bacterial cultures, which can play a key role in the biofilms formation in the carbon filter in advanced water treatment for beer production, have been isolated and characterized from swabs from the activated carbon. All three selected bacterial cultures are identified as members of the genus Bacillus. The obtained data are the basis for the development of more effective methods for a biofilm removal from the activated carbon surface at the industrial filters for the brewing industry, and/or combination temperature sanitation with other technologies. The present paper studies biological features of biofilms at active carbon filters of water treatment systems for process water at the enterprise of special drinks. Three most common bacterial cultures, which can play a critical role in the formation of biofilms in the carbon filter at water purification used for beer production, were isolated from swabs from the activated carbon and characterized. The obtained data are the basis for the development of more effective methods for the removal of biofilm from the surface of the activated carbon filters at the brewing industry, and/or combination of temperature sanitation with other techniques.
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