Validation of a new language screening tool with stroke in chinese: The mandarin version of language screening test (MLAST)

Disease Dementia-Short Screen [PDD-SS]). Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is embedded within ACE-R. Thus ACE-R also provides MMSE score. Results: The patients had a mean age of 67.468.9 years and mean years of education of 6.663.4. Mean test scores/total score were as follows: MMSE: 26.86 2.8/30, ACE-R: 71612,2/100, MOCA: 20.96 4.6/30, PD-CRS: 69.5619/ 134, PDD-SS: 14.163.9/22, SCOPA-COG:16.666.7/43. Conclusions: Turkish versions of the cognitive screening instruments that were developed specifically for PD proved to be too difficult for this relatively low educated group of PD patients with essentially subjective cognitive complaints as reflected by their nearfloor effect-performances. Turkish adaptation of these tests may need the modification of some test items, unless their use will be reserved for a minority of the patients with PD, who are highly educated.
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