Establishment of a database of fetal congenital heart malformations and preliminary investigation of its clinical application.

Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to create a database of anatomical ultrathin cross-sectional images of fetal hearts with different congenital heart diseases (CHDs) and preliminarily to investigate its clinical application. Materials and methods Forty Chinese fetal heart samples from induced labor due to different CHDs were cut transversely at 60-μm thickness. All thoracic organs were removed from the thoracic cavity after formalin fixation, embedded in optimum cutting temperature compound, and then frozen at −25°C for 2 hours. Subsequently, macro shots of the frozen serial sections were obtained using a digital camera in order to build a database of anatomical ultrathin cross-sectional images. Results Images in the database clearly displayed the fetal heart structures. After importing the images into three-dimensional software, the following functions could be realized: (1) based on the original database of transverse sections, databases of sagittal and coronal sections could be constructed; and (2) the original and constructed databases could be displayed continuously and dynamically, and rotated in arbitrary angles. They could also be displayed synchronically. The aforementioned functions of the database allowed for the retrieval of images and three-dimensional anatomy characteristics of the different fetal CHDs, and virtualization of fetal echocardiography findings. Conclusion A database of 40 different cross-sectional fetal CHDs was established. An extensive database library of fetal CHDs, from which sonographers and students can study the anatomical features of fetal CHDs and virtualize fetal echocardiography findings via either centralized training or distance education, can be established in the future by accumulating further cases.
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