Analisis Premi Asuransi Jiwa Menggunakan Model Cox Proportional Hazard

Cox proportional hazard model is a regression model that is used to see the factors that cause an event. The survival analysis used in this research is the period of time the client is able to pay the life insurance premium using Cox proportional hazard model with Breslow method.The purpose of this research is to know how sex, age, insured money, job, method of payment of premium, premium, and type of product can influence the level of ability of client to make payment of life insurance premium based on customer data from PT. BRI Life Insurance Branch of Jember in 2007.The result of this research is the final model of Cox proportional hazard obtained from several variables which have significant influence with simultaneous and partial significance test is the variable of insured money ( X 3 ), variable of payment method of premium ( X 5 ), premium variable ( X 6 ) , and insurance product variable ( X 7 ) . The four variables are said to have a significant effect on the model, so that the final model of Cox proportional hazard is obtained that consists of the parameter estimation ( β ) value of each variable Keywords : survival analysis; cox proportional hazard model; breslow method; life insurance.
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