Экологический рейтинг как стимул снижения геоэкологического риска деятельности российских нефтегазовых компаний в Арктике

The article is devoted to the issues of environmental ratings an incentive to reduce geoenvironmental risk of oil and gas companies, operating in theArctic. The authors disclose the need of environmental rating using for oil and gas industry inRussia. Particular attention is given to the issues of rating results of Environmental Responsibility of Oil and Gas companies in Russiathat was first held in 2014 and then in 2015. It was conducted by the cooperative initiative by CREON Group and WWF Russia with participation of National Rating Agency. The authors have selected from all russian oil and gas companies only those who operating in the Arctic region and they have analyzed them.The rating’s results show that there are «top three» among russian oil and gas companies, operating in theArctic. They are Gazprom, Sakhalin Energy (Sakhalin-2) and Zarubezhneft. There are also different companies in rating’s sectors. For instance, the best position of section «Environmental impact» belong to Gazprom, Zarubezhneft, LUKOIL. In whole, the environmental rating of Russian oil and gas companies, operating in theArctic, can be an incentive to reduce here geoecological risks, and to create a new mechanism to inform foreign investors that can contribute to the growth of foreign direct investment inRussiaand environmental safety in theArctic.
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