O golpe de Estado (1964) no Brasil visto por um cinejornal soviético

This article proposes a historical and theoretical reflection on the links between visual records and the construction of the memory of a political event, analyzing the specific case of the 1964 Coup d'Etat in Brazil that overthrew the center-left president Joao Goulart and became an important Cold War event in Latin America. This event, which inaugurated 20 years of military dictatorship in Brazil, was recorded in images that became matrices of social memory, in which there is a dominant figuration of defeat and the absence of popular resistance to the coup troops. However, from a fragment of a Soviet newsreel, I analyze rare images of a mass protest against the ongoing coup d'Etat. These records help us to problematize the predominant memory and its visual supports, suggesting the possibility of another visual and political history of the 1964 Coup.
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