Nanometric Precision Distance Metrology via Hybrid Spectrally Resolved and Homodyne Interferometry in a Single Soliton Frequency Microcomb.

Laser interferometry serves a fundamental role in science and technology, assisting precision metrology and dimensional length measurement. During the past decade, laser frequency combs---a coherent optical-microwave frequency ruler over a broad spectral range with traceability to time-frequency standards---have contributed pivotal roles in laser dimensional metrology with ever-growing demands in measurement precision. Here we report spectrally resolved laser dimensional metrology via a free-running soliton frequency microcomb, with nanometric-scale precision. Spectral interferometry provides information on the optical time-of-flight signature, and the large free-spectral range and high coherence of the microcomb enable tooth-resolved and high-visibility interferograms that can be directly read out with optical spectrum instrumentation. We employ a hybrid timing signal from comb-line homodyne, microcomb, and background amplified spontaneous emission spectrally resolved interferometry---all from the same spectral interferogram. Our combined soliton and homodyne architecture demonstrates a 3-nm repeatability over a 23-mm nonambiguity range achieved via homodyne interferometry and over 1000-s stability in the long-term precision metrology at the white noise limits.
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