[Fragile X syndrome and FMR1-dependent diseases - diagnostic scheme based on own experience .]

: The presence of dynamic mutation in the FMR1 gene localized on the X chromosome (Xq28) is the major cause of Fragile X syndrome. As this syndrome is quite frequently diagnosed in patients with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders, the genetic testing of the FMR1 gene is a routine procedure performed in these patients. Molecular methods based on the PCR technique are used commonly, as they allow to identify normal (up to 54 CGG repeats, including grey zone alleles - 45-54 CGG repeats), premutation (55-200 CGG repeats) and full mutation (>200 CGG repeats) alleles.The article presents the basic methods used in the molecular diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome and other FMR1-related disorders. The following methods are presented: a screening test with GeneScan analysis, TP-PCR based tests and methods used for methylation analysis. Their pros and cons, as well as the resulting interpretation are discussed. Moreover, there is a presentation of the molecular diagnostic scheme following European Molecular Genetics Quality Network guidelines used in the Department of Medical Genetics.
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