Umbria-Marche Basin, Central Italy: A Reference Section for the Aptian-Albian Interval at Low Latitudes

Within the Cretaceous Period, the Aptian-Albian interval (125–99.6 Ma, Ogg et al., 2008) was a critical time on a global scale. This is evident from 1) changes in the nature of the ocean-climate system brought about by increased ocean crust production coupled with active midplate and plate margin volcanism in a shifting paleogeography (Skelton et al., 2003); 2) cyclic deposition and preservation of common “black shales”, some of them termed Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE1a to OAE1d) (Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; Arthur et al., 1990); 3) periodic changes in redox conditions at the ocean bottom (Oceanic Red Beds, ORBs) (Wang et al., 2009); and 4) rapid biotic radiations and turnovers (Leckie et al., 2002). The Aptian-Albian time is also of interest for one of the most noteworthy geomagnetic events, namely the post-M0r “Cretaceous Quiet Zone”. This long and constant normal polarity superchron without any convincing true reversal to date (Satolli et al., 2008) precludes usage of reversals magnetostratigraphy from the Aptian through the Santonian.
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