Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing

We report on the design of a cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing containing a segmented surface electrode trap. The heat shield of our cryostat is designed to attenuate alternating magnetic field noise, resulting in 120~dB reduction of 50~Hz noise along the magnetic field axis. We combine this efficient magnetic shielding with high optical access required for single ion addressing as well as for efficient state detection by placing two lenses each with numerical aperture 0.23 inside the inner heat shield. The cryostat design incorporates vibration isolation to avoid decoherence of optical qubits due to the motion of the cryostat. We measure vibrations of the cryostat of less than $\pm$20~nm over 2~s. In addition to the cryogenic apparatus, we describe the setup required for an operation with $^{\mathrm{40}}$Ca$^{\mathrm{+}}$ and $^{\mathrm{88}}$Sr$^{\mathrm{+}}$ ions. The instability of the laser manipulating the optical qubits in $^{\mathrm{40}}$Ca$^{\mathrm{+}}$ is characterized yielding a minimum of its Allan deviation of 2.4$\cdot$10$^{\mathrm{-15}}$ at 0.33~s. To evaluate the performance of the apparatus, we trapped $^{\mathrm{40}}$Ca$^{\mathrm{+}}$ ions, obtaining a heating rate of 2.14(16)~phonons/s and a Gaussian decay of the Ramsey contrast with a 1/e-time of 18.2(8)~ms.
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