Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Ditinjau dari Perilaku Belajar dan Penggunaan Media Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA Batik 2 Surakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of learning behavior on learning outcomes in economic subjects, 2) the influence of the use of learning media on economic learning outcomes, 3) the influence of learning behavior and the use of learning media on learning outcomes in economic subjects. This research is a type of associative quantitative research with data in the form of numbers that aims to determine the effect or relationship of two or more variables. The population in the study were 150 students of class XI IPS Batik Batik 2 Surakarta. Samples were taken as many as 60 students by proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation. The questionnaire was tested before using the validity and reliability tests. Data analysis prerequisite tests include tests of normality, linearity, multicollinearity. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques, including t test, F test, R2 test, relative contribution and effective contribution. Based on data analysis, the multiple linear regression equation is obtained as follows: Y = 10,481 + 0.425X1 + 0.625X2 ,. The results of the study concluded: 1) learning behavior had a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes in economic subjects as evidenced by the value obtained tcount> ttable is 4.299> 1.672 and the probability value ttable is 4.502> 1.672 and the probability value Ftable, which is 64,876> 2.40 and a probability value of 0,000. 4) Variable learning behavior contributes effectively by 34.2%. The variable use of learning media made an effective contribution of 35.6%, so that the total effective contribution of the two variables amounted to 69.8%, while the remaining 30.2% was influenced by other variables not examined by the researchers.
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