Hemovigilance in Countries with Scarce Resources –A WHO Perspective

• Safe blood• Scarce resources• Quality systems• Hemovigilance• HIV/AIDS In many parts of the world,people continue to die due to shortage of blood and bloodproducts.The safety of blood transfusion therapy remains a continuing concern,particularly where resources are scarce.The different stages of economic and socialdevelopment are reflected in the existing status of the countries health care systemsand that of their national blood transfusion services.The lack of quality systems,standardization and traceability of collected blood along the blood transfusion chainare the major contributing factors to the undesired outcomes of transfusion andincreased risk of transfusion-transmissible infections,namely HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.Hemovigilance as a concept and developed operational system,supports the continuousimprovement of quality and safety of transfusion practices.Once the minimum safetyrequirements are in place,implementation of quality systems in the blood transfusionservice throughout the entire blood transfusion chain has to be considered the firstmandatory step for establishing hemovigilance systems.The challenge awaitingcountries with scarce resources is the implementation of their own hemovigilance systemin a sustainable way.The integrated approach for a safer blood supply developed by WHO is aimed atbuilding capacities at a national level,through advocacy,infrastructure development,technical support,training and documentation,and it creates the necessary groundsfor establishment of hemovigilance systems.By further increasing its commitmentin this area,WHO fulfils its leadership role in preventing risk factors for majordisease burden and in organizing equitable health services,in line with its strategicdirections.Based on existing data and locally gained experience, joint programs and relatedexpertise can be developed, strengthening inter-country, regional and globalcollaboration for a safer,adequate blood supply.
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