Net ZEB office in Sweden – A case study, testing the Swedish Net ZEB definition

Abstract An important measure for climate change mitigation is reduction of energy use in buildings worldwide. In 2010 Skanska Sverige AB began designing an office building in the southern parts of Sweden, aiming towards a Net zero energy building (Net ZEB) balance. The construction work started in the middle of 2011. In the beginning of 2012 Sveriges Centrum for Nollenergihus/the Swedish Centre for Zero-energy buildings (SCNH) published a Swedish definition for a zero-energy building in the Swedish climate. In short; the Swedish definition of a zero-energy building demands fulfilment of the passive house criteria, and that a zero energy balance must be reached over a year based on import/exported balance. This study summarises the overall design ideas, constructions, installations, energy balance of the office building and investigates whether the building reaches the zero energy-building definition according to SCNH. The simulations show that a Net ZEB balance may be reached. However, the passive house criterion is not reached. The study discusses pros and cons in the Swedish definition of “zero-energy building”/Net ZEB and suggests clarifications needed and possible amendment that may be implemented in an updated version of the definition.
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