以Wii(上標 TM)建構虛擬實境輔助慢性中風患者復健訓練之療效評估

Virtual reality assisted rehabilitation provides the opportunity for a safe training environment, allows intensive practice using repetitive tasks, provides real-time auditory and visual performance feedback and also may augment patients’ motivation. Wii(superscript TM) has all of these advantages. In addition, it is relatively cheap and thus it is affordable and practical to be used in clinical settings. We recruited patients with chronic stroke (>1 yr) and limb function impairment. All patients participated in the Wii(superscript TM)-based virtual reality assisted rehabilitation program with a minimum of 30 minutes/session, three times/week for 3 months. The patients' cognitive function, motor function of both upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity, balance, activity of daily living (ADL) function and depression scale were assessed at 2 weeks prior to, at the beginning of the training program and at 3 months after beginning the training program. A total of 31 patients completed this study. Significant improvements in cognitive function, motor function of the upper and lower limbs, manual dexterity and balance ability were noted after 3 months of participation in the training program. However, ADL function and depression scale showed no significant changes. Further studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are warranted to help confirm our results and to determine whether this training program can be applied to patients with other types of neuromuscular diseases.
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