Sensitivity analysis of model parameters on biochemical oxygen demand in integrated solar and hydraulic jump enhanced waste stabilization pond

AbstractThe sensitivity analysis of selected parameters on biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in the integrated solar and hydraulic jump enhanced waste stabilization pond (ISHJEWSP) was carried out by regression analysis approach. Based on empirical data, the linear relationship between the response variable, BOD, and the predictor variables of pH, temperature, algae concentration, dissolved oxygen (DO), inlet velocity, distance from inlet to the point of initiation of hydraulic jump, angle representing change in pond bed slope, and intensity of solar radiation was tested using various hypotheses at α = 5% level of significance. The test of hypotheses revealed that not all the regression coefficients can be taken as zero and that the observed t-values of predictor variables X1 (xpH), X3 (xAlgae), X4 (xDO), X6 (xHJL), X7 (), and the constant are statistically significant at α = 5%. The test on the equality of regression coefficients of the reduced model revealed that it is significant to infer that X1 (xpH), ...
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