Enhanced portability of safeguards measurements tools

In recent years, computers have decreased in size from cubic meter volumes to units that can fit in the palm of the hand. At the same time, the capability of the computers has increased due to both faster electronics and improvements in software. Similar changes have occurred in other electronic devices, primarily because of the decrease in size of the electronics and the incorporation of smart electronics (microprocessors). Similar decreases in the size of the detectors used in radiation detection, however, have not yet occurred. Reduction in detector size requires advances in materials to provide higher efficiency in a smaller volume. Improved intrinsic efficiency of detectors does not always meet safeguards needs because resolution of individual photopeaks may be more important than efficiency. Recent advances at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory have led to smaller multichannel analyzers and more compact detector electronics. In related studies, the performance of the new scintillation detectors has been explored.
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