Clinical efficacy of Ashwattha Choorna Lepa in the management of Mukhapaka

Mukha (mouth) is one of the important parts of body and it is exposed to various risk factors due to the bad habits like tobacco chewing and smoking etc. Mukhapaka is pathological condition related to Mukha which occurs due to the simple cut, eating hot food items, unhygienic cleaning, vitamins deficiencies and adverse reaction of antibiotics. Lalasrava, Glani, Dugdha Dwesha, Vyatha and Nasa Shwasa etc. are general symptoms of Mukhapaka. As per ayurveda Mukha Rogas is Pittaja Nanatmaja and Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara and around 20% of population is suffering with this problem. Ayurveda described various treatment modalities for the management of Mukhapaka; Ashwattha Choorna Lepa is one of them, present article established efficacy of Ashwattha Choorna Lepa in Mukhapaka. The study concluded that Lepan-Karma with ayurveda formulation Ashwattha Choorna offers beneficial effects in mouth ulcer.
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