Physiological assessment in young Brazilian and African mahogany plants during the dry and rainy seasons in northeastern Para state, Brazil.

Because of their high commercial value and international market acceptance, mahogany species have been indiscriminately explored even in protected areas, resulting in extinction threat. In this study, we aimed to assess the physiology of young plants of Brazilian (Swietenia macrophylla (King)) and African (Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.) mahogany regarding their drought tolerance. The species analyzed showed different responses in the behavior of variables in the two periods studied. The highest values of stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) were observed in the rainy season because of excess of soil water; while in the dry season, deficit of soil water caused gs reduction of 90% in 2006 and 75% in 2007, and E reduction of 80% and 60%, respectively, for the same periods. The dry season, with lower values of leaf water potential and leaf relative water content, induced higher levels of sucrose, proline and total soluble amino acids compared to the rainy season, indicating emergence of the mechanism of osmoregulation in the studied species. RESUMO: As especies de mogno, por seu alto valor comercial e aceitacao no mercado internacional, tem sido exploradas de forma indiscriminada, mesmo em areas protegidas, acarretando ameaca de extincao. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a fisiologia de plantas jovens de mogno brasileiro [Swietenia macrophylla (King)] e africano (Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.) quanto a tolerância a seca. As especies apresentaram diferentes respostas no comportamento das variaveis, nas duas epocas estudadas. Os maiores valores de condutância estomatica (gs) e transpiracao (E) foram observados na epoca chuvosa, em virtude do excedente hidrico do solo, enquanto que, na epoca seca, a deficiencia hidrica promoveu reducao de gs em 90%, em 2006, e em 75%, em 2007; de E, observaram-se valores de 80% e de 60%, respectivamente, no mesmo periodo. O periodo seco, com menores valores de potencial hidrico foliar e do conteudo relativo de agua na folha, induziu maiores teores de sacarose, prolina e aminoacidos soluveis totais, em comparacao ao periodo chuvoso, apontando para o surgimento do mecanismo de osmorregulacao nas especies estudadas. Physiological assessment in young Brazilian and African mahogany plants during the dry and rainy seasons in northeastern Para state, Brazil Fisiologia de plantas jovens de mogno brasileiro e africano nas epocas chuvosa e seca no Nordeste paraense Raimundo Lazaro Moraes da Cunha1* Benedito Gomes dos Santos Filho1 Roberto Cezar Lobo da Costa1 Ismael de Jesus Matos Viegas1 1Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia – UFRA, Av. Tancredo Neves s/n, Terra Firme, 66077-530, Belem, PA, Brasil Autor Correspondente: *E-mail:
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