Neptune Ring Science with Argo - A Voyage through the Outer Solar System

L. J. Spilker (JPL), C. J. Hansen (JPL), N. Albers (Univ. of Colorado), A. S. Aljabri (JPL), D. Banfield (Cornell), E. B. Bierhaus (LMA), M. Brown (CIT), J. E. Colwell (UCF), C. Chavez (UNAM, Mexico), F. Crary (SwRI), I. de Pater (UC Berkeley), M. Dougherty (Imperial College, UK), C. Ferrari (Univ. of Paris Diderot and CEA Saclay, France), G. Filacchione (INAF-IASF, Italy), R. French (Wellesley), M. Gordon (SETI Institute), E. Gruen, (Max Planck Institute, Germany), M. Hedman (Cornell), A. R. Hendrix (JPL), M. Horanyi (Univ. of Colorado), G. Hospodarsky (Univ. of Iowa), A. Ingersoll (CIT), Sasha Kempf (Max Planck Institute), K. Khurana (UCLA), B. Kurth (Univ. of Iowa), D. Landau (JPL), J. Lissauer (Ames), E. Marouf (San Jose State Univ.), A. McEwen (UAz), D. A. Paige (UCLA), C. Paranicas (APL),F. Postberg (Max Planck Institute, Germany), N. Rappaport (JPL), H. Salo (Univ. of Oulu, Finland), C. M. Satter (JPL), B. Schmidt (UCLA), M. Showalter (SETI Institute), T. R. Spilker (JPL), J. Stansberry (UAz), N. Strange (JPL), M. S. Tiscareno (Cornell), P. Yanamandra-Fisher (JPL)
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