Giresun atmosferinde alerjik mantar spor konsantrasyonunun incelenmesi

Mantar sporlari atmosferdeki alerjenlerin en onemli gruplarinda birini olusturmaktadir.Atmosferdeki mantar spor konsantrasyonunun saptanmasi duyarli bireylerintedavilerinin planlanmasi, yasam kalitelerinin arttirilmasinin yani sira tedavigiderlerinin azaltilmasi ve is gucu kayiplarinin onlenmesi acisindan da onemarzetmektedir. Bu amacla Giresun ili atmosferinde bulunan mantar sporlari Temmuz2010-Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasinda Burkard tuzagi ile calisilmistir. 24 aylik donemdeyapilan analizlerde, 49 mantar taksonuna ait 935.178 spor saptanmistir. Bu sporlarin%36 Cladosporium, %35 Elipsoidal Basidyosporlara %15 Coprinus, %3 Leptosphaeria,%2 1-septali askospor, %1 Alternaria, %1 Cok septali askospor %1 Oidium ve %6’i 41taksondan olusan diger taksonlara aittir. En dusuk spor konsantrasyonuna 323 spor ile2012 Şubat ayinda rastlanirken en yuksek spor konsantrasyonu 174.507 spor ile 2010Ekim ayinda saptanmistir. Her taksonun 1 m3 havadaki spor miktarlarinin gunluk,haftalik ve aylik degerleri cizelgeler halinde verilmistir. Bu veriler kullanilarak Giresuniline ait spor takvimi hazirlanmistir.AbstractFungal spores constitute one of the most important groups of airborne allergens.Determination of fungal spore concentration in the atmosphere is important in terms ofplanning the treatment of sensitive individuals, raising their qualities of life as well asdecreasing treatment costs and preventing workforce losses. With this purpose, thefungal spores in Giresun atmosphere were studies with Burkard trap between dates ofJuly 2010 and June 2012. In analyses of a period of 24 months, 935.178 spores weredetected belonging to 49 fungal taxa. 36% of these spores were belongs toCladosporium, 35% Ellipsoidal bazidyospores, 15% Coprinus, 3% Leptosphaeria, 2%1-septate ascospore, 1% Alternaria, 1% Multi-septate ascospore, 1% Oidium and 6%belongs to other taxa which consist 41 taxa. The lowest spore concentration was seen in2012 February with 323 spores while the highest spore concentration was seen in 2010October with 174.507 spores. Daily, weekly and monthly values of pollen and sporeamounts of each taxon in 1 m3 air were given as tables. According these data, sporecalendar of Giresun Province was presented.
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