The Effects of Anesthesia on the Pediatric Developing Brain: Strategies to Reduce Anesthesia Use in Pediatric MRI and Nursing's Role in Driving Patient Safety

Purpose To describe the physiological and biological principles of anesthesia for children; nonanesthesia practices; the state of the evidence of patient- and family-centered care strategies to reduce anesthesia use; and role of nursing in ensuring patient safety through reducing anesthesia use for pediatric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Design Integrative literature review. Methods Review and synthesis of experimental and nonexperimental literature. Findings Anesthesia use in pediatric MRI: 20 studies met inclusion criteria. Physiological and biological side effects of anesthesia in children are substantial. Of significance is the developing research on the extent to which anesthesia affects the developing brain of children. Nonanesthesia in pediatric MRI: 16 studies met inclusion criteria. Common themes were noted between patient- and family-centered care strategies and reducing anesthesia use in children requiring MRI. Conclusions There are significant risks associated with anesthesia on the developing brain. Nurses play an important role in using patient-centered strategies to reduce pediatric anesthesia use and advocate for patient safety.
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